By Francesca Humphreys
On Thursday the 20th of October there was the spooks and fairies school disco I think it was a big success there was amazing costumes and Max Paton and Riley won the best costume award which was a massive bar of chocolate they were dressed like a ghostbusters there was lots of other amazing costumes as well and there was lots of mouth watering cakes I think we must have raised a lot of money but we haven’t got the exact number yet Mr Webster and Mr Thomas were amazing DJ’s and they kept us entertained all night there was also a raffle and a tatoo stall I think everyone had a fantastic and fun filled night!
I think this newspaper club is a wonderful idea we love that we are part of this amazing club you chose your pupils wisely I think the pupils and parents will enjoy it and thanks Mr Thomas these are some lovely posts.
Amazing post francesca it’s very sophisticated .