Our News

January 2022


17th January – 23rd January

Next Week is also ” Saving Energy Week” Lets all do our best to save energy. Here is a couple of ideas for you to do at school and at home –

  • Turn off lights when not being used.
  • Turn off T.V if no one is watching
  • Flush toilets less
  • Only boil enough water in a kettle for what you need.
  • Purchase water butts to collect rain and use for washing cars etc.
  • Find and Fix any leaks
  • Switch lightbulbs to low energy saving bulbs
  • Switch all appliances off when leaving school or home


Monday 17th January – Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday 25th January – St. Dwynwen’s Day


December 2021


  • Patomine – 15th December 2021 – Peter Pan
  • Christmas Dinner – 16th December 2021
  • Break up for Christmas – 22nd December 2021

November 2021

Friday 19th November will be Children in Need day. Pupils can wear pyjamas or non-school uniform for a donation to this important charity.


October 2021

Applications are now open to our reception intake in September 2022,  please follow the link below to apply, if your child was born between 01/09/2017 – 31/08/18.    Deadline for this will be Friday 7th January 2022.


Summer 2021

In summer 2021, we had to rethink how we could celebrate a difficult year, so the foundation phase  held a teddy bears picnic, which was amazing. We made cakes, bunting and sandwiches. We played games and had a competition to see who made the best cake. It was the best way to celebrate even in times where we were restricted, we pulled together as a team and community and held a wonderful event for the children, that we hope they will remember fondly for years to come.

Foundation Phase Teddy Bear Picnic Video Summer 2021

Also in summer 2021, we were able to hold our annual school sports day, unfortunately we could not have parents watching due to covid-19 restrictions, however we did record the events and shared them with parents.

Foundation Phase sports day summer 2021 

Year 3/4 Sports Day 2021 





In July 2021, one of our year 6 pupils decided he wanted to plant the acorn tree  he had planted 7 years ago at home in the school grounds, as it was his last week in Penygloddfa before leaving for high school. What a lovely gesture!

February & March 2020

February and March 2020 were very sporty months in Year 5 and 6. We won the local hockey tournament, danced in the Urdd eisteddfod, celebrated Sports Relief by having a running competition and we went to watch the Wales women play against Estonia. There was also time for a science investigation and we had the school eisteddfod too.






Ionawr 2020

Bobol Bach! Roedd Mis Ionawr yn prysur!

January was a very busy month in Ysgol Penygloddfa! Here are some of our highlights…

The Knife Angel

Year 5 and 6 took a walk down to see the harrowing but impressive knife angel that had come to Newtown to warn us of the dangers of knives.

Urdd Netball County Round

Our girl’s netball team competed in the Urdd county round in Llanfair Careinion High School. The girls played very well and made it to the semi finals.


We were visited by Amy and the Mythstories team who taught some of the Year Sixes a local fairy tale which they performed in front of the school at the end of the day.

Urdd Gymnastics

Our gymnasts competed in the Urdd gymnastics competition held in the Maldwyn Dragons centre in Newtown. They all did very well; Lexie and Lexi came 3rd in the pairs, Cari, Abi and Freya came 2nd in the trios and our team came 1st. Our team will now go on to represent our area in the national finals in Aberystwyth in February. Da iawn pawb!

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen

Cawson ni diwrnod cymraeg ym Mhenegloddfa i ddathlu Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Gwnaethon ni lawer o weithgareddau fel coginio, adeiladu a gwehyddu. Roedd yn hwyl!

Urdd Football

Our girls took part in the county round of the Urdd football tournament. They played very well and remained undefeated but unfortunately they did not make it though to the nationals. Da iawn merched!!

And finally… 

Congratulations to Fyfe, one of our year 6 pupils, who won the Montgomeryshire under 12’s sports person of the year award for 2019 in theatre Hafren. There were also awards for some of our ex-pupils too! Llongyfarchiadau pawb!


Gwyddoniaeth- Science

Over the past week, Blwyddyn pump a chwech have been looking at dissolving and have been investigating which substances are soluble and insoluble. We have had a lot of fun finding this out and we have worked on our measuring, timing and teamwork. Gwaith bendigedig pawb!

Children in Need- Sponsored Run

On Friday 15th November, the whole school took part in a sponsored run all in the name of raising money for Children in Need and Healthy Schools. The Sports Ambassadors set the school the task of running a combined 1000km. After a long morning’s running from Years 3 and 4 in school and an hour’s running around the running track in Maldwyn Sports centre for the Year 5s and 6s, it was left to the Foundation Phase to spend the afternoon running around the Top Playground.

The great news is that when we added all of our distances together we ran a combined 1028km!! The even better news was that we had a cake stall in school to raise some extra cash for charity and also to reward all of our hard work.

The EVEN better news is that we have so far raised lots of money for Children in Need. The overall total keeps rising as sponsorship money comes in to school. We will let you know an overall total when we get it. Thanks to all of the people who sponsored us and a massive thanks to Freedom Leisure for supporting us in this run. Diolch yn fawr pawb!

Newtown Cross Country Competition

This afternoon, 60 of our children took part in the Newtown area cross country competition alongside children from all of the other Newtown primary schools. Even though it did not rain, the course was very mucky and slippy in places! Everybody ran really well, especially the Year 1 and 2 children who ran in the competition for the very first time. We had some excellent results, including 1st in the Year 1 boys for Matthew, 1st in Year 1 girls for Darcey, 1st in Year 2 girls for Ava, 1st in Year 5 girls for Hannah and 1st in Year 6 boys for Dylan. There were also some very good finishes from the other children. Llongyfarchiadau pawb a pob lwc to those who will be competing in the next round!

Urdd Football

Three boys teams and three girls teams from Ysgol Penygloddfa took part in the Urdd football Maldwyn round at Latham Park today. Lots of teams from the local area were there competing. After 3 hours of matches and some amazing goals, our girls team, Penygloddfa C, made it through to the next round, to be held in January. Everybody had a great day. Llongyfarchiadau pawb!

A big well done to the boys teams from Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd and Ysgol Dyffryn Trannon and the girls team from Ysgol Llanidloes who also made it through. Pob lwc to all in the next round!

Penygloddfa girls ‘C’ team.

Urdd Netball

Our two girls netball teams recently took part in the Urdd netball competition that we hosted here in Penygloddfa. After a morning full of passing, pivoting and shooting, team Cari made it through to the next round. Da iawn merched!!

The Penygloddfa Election

On Thursday 8th June a massive event is taking place in Penygloddfa School… the school election!!

All the children of our school will head to the polling booth and place their cross next to the party that they trust to spend the budget of £250.

Different ‘parties’ from the school such as Papur Newydd Penygloddfa, The School Council and The Eco Council have been busy preparing manifestos, speeches and posters in readiness for the next few weeks where they will all be fighting for votes.

There will be a special assembly taking place where a spokesperson for each group can try their best to sway the voters.

Who will win? Early opinion polls suggest it will be close!!
