Taking the initiative

The girls preparing for their busy loom band sale

This week, a group of our Year 3/4 pupils organised a sale in aid of Hope House, selling loom band rings, bracelets and keyrings to help raise money for their chosen charity. Showing an incredible amount of initiative, the girls planned the entire event, bought all of their own resources and even made posters to promote the event.

Mrs Crees said “I was so impressed with them for using their own initiative and with how organised they have been. They have spent a lot of their own pocket money to buy the loom bands. Great work by all of them!”

Da iawn merched!

Keeping in touch with the local community

A Daffodil delivery to one of our local residents

Following their meeting last week, one of our Penygloddfa Wellbeing Warriors suggested that it would be a good idea to visit some of the residents of our local community to deliver some daffodils and say hello. Pupils were warmly greeted as they stopped by for a quick chat and dropped off the much-appreciated flowers. Da iawn pawb!