Newtown Cluster Cross Country 2022

Our Year 5 and 6 runners

On Monday 4th April, runners from our Key Stage 2 classes took part in the Newtown Cluster Cross Country Event at Dolerw Park.

We had a fantastic time and the children represented our school very well – showing amazing support for their fellow runners and giving their all in their own races. There was also a great deal of success for Penygloddfa on the track as we had a number of race winners and many pupils finishing inside the top ten. Those top ten pupils will now have the opportunity to compete in the North Powys Finals in May.

Llongyfarchiadau pawb, we are very proud of all of you who took part!

STEM Day for Years 5 and 6

Pupils created a character with flashing LED eyes

On Tuesday 22nd March, Years 5 and 6 were immersed in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Day involving lots of fun, creative and educational learning experiences.

The ‘Who Wants to be a Superhero?’ show was packed full of fantastical science experiments and demonstrations, with lots of pops, bangs and spillages, which whetted the appetite for further learning and discovery.

Thankfully, the weather was on our side too, as we headed out into the gorgeous sunshine to learn about the special ‘powers’ of tetrahedrons. Armed with their new-found knowledge about this super-strong shape, pupils used their teamwork skills to set about building a giant tetrahedron which towered over the playground.

Inside the building, Year 6s constructed a circuit board, complete with flashing LED lights, by soldering on the components. This was no easy task as the components were tiny and had to be fixed to the board in exactly the right way in order to conduct the power from the battery. Not to mention the use of the soldering iron which can reach temperatures of 400 degrees Celsius!

We would like to say a BIG thank you to Mid Wales Manufacturing Group and MadLab for preparing and delivering this fantastic day. The children learned some excellent skills to take forward into secondary school and beyond whilst having a fantastic time. Diolch yn fawr a da iawn pawb!

Taking the initiative

The girls preparing for their busy loom band sale

This week, a group of our Year 3/4 pupils organised a sale in aid of Hope House, selling loom band rings, bracelets and keyrings to help raise money for their chosen charity. Showing an incredible amount of initiative, the girls planned the entire event, bought all of their own resources and even made posters to promote the event.

Mrs Crees said “I was so impressed with them for using their own initiative and with how organised they have been. They have spent a lot of their own pocket money to buy the loom bands. Great work by all of them!”

Da iawn merched!

Keeping in touch with the local community

A Daffodil delivery to one of our local residents

Following their meeting last week, one of our Penygloddfa Wellbeing Warriors suggested that it would be a good idea to visit some of the residents of our local community to deliver some daffodils and say hello. Pupils were warmly greeted as they stopped by for a quick chat and dropped off the much-appreciated flowers. Da iawn pawb!

CogUrdd Penygloddfa 2022

The first round of the CogUrdd took place at Ysgol Penygloddfa this week, with an impressive 34 Key Stage 2 pupils entering to see who could construct Penygloddfa’s finest fruit kebab. The level of competition was extremely high, with pupils being judged on categories such as their attention to cleanliness and hygiene, the organisation of their workspace, time-keeping and the overall presentation of their dish. It was a very difficult final decision for our guest judge Mrs Latham, in fact, the standard of the entries was so high that deliberation over the overall winner went on for some time – leaving our budding chefs with a tense wait to see who came out on top.

Finally though, the candidates were narrowed down to a top three.

In 3rd place was Faye Evans of Dosbarth Y Don with her immaculately presented effort, which featured a raspberry and blueberry dip.

A close 2nd was Hollie Davies from Dosbarth Seren with her impressive ‘Rainbow Peacock’ design.

But in 1st place, with his amazing ‘Cebabs Enfys Ffrwythau Ioan efo dip iogwrt ffrwythau trofannol’ was Ioan Rees of Dosbarth Afallen.

Llongyfarchiadau Ioan, who now has the opportunity to move forward into Round 2 of the competition, where contestants will repeat their fruit kebab recipe whilst also cooking a stir-fry. Pob lwc!

As you can see from the pictures, we had a great deal of fun but we would also like to thank all pupils who took part for the huge amount effort they put into their entries and for creating such a wonderfully positive atmosphere in the hall on the night. Da iawn pawb!

More photos of the event are available here on J2E, which requires a Hwb login.

Diolch yn fawr,

Mrs Roberts, Mr D Thomas, Mrs Latham and Mrs Rogers

Our News

January 2022


17th January – 23rd January

Next Week is also ” Saving Energy Week” Lets all do our best to save energy. Here is a couple of ideas for you to do at school and at home –

  • Turn off lights when not being used.
  • Turn off T.V if no one is watching
  • Flush toilets less
  • Only boil enough water in a kettle for what you need.
  • Purchase water butts to collect rain and use for washing cars etc.
  • Find and Fix any leaks
  • Switch lightbulbs to low energy saving bulbs
  • Switch all appliances off when leaving school or home


Monday 17th January – Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday 25th January – St. Dwynwen’s Day


December 2021


  • Patomine – 15th December 2021 – Peter Pan
  • Christmas Dinner – 16th December 2021
  • Break up for Christmas – 22nd December 2021

November 2021

Friday 19th November will be Children in Need day. Pupils can wear pyjamas or non-school uniform for a donation to this important charity.


October 2021

Applications are now open to our reception intake in September 2022,  please follow the link below to apply, if your child was born between 01/09/2017 – 31/08/18.    Deadline for this will be Friday 7th January 2022. 

Summer 2021

In summer 2021, we had to rethink how we could celebrate a difficult year, so the foundation phase  held a teddy bears picnic, which was amazing. We made cakes, bunting and sandwiches. We played games and had a competition to see who made the best cake. It was the best way to celebrate even in times where we were restricted, we pulled together as a team and community and held a wonderful event for the children, that we hope they will remember fondly for years to come.

Foundation Phase Teddy Bear Picnic Video Summer 2021

Also in summer 2021, we were able to hold our annual school sports day, unfortunately we could not have parents watching due to covid-19 restrictions, however we did record the events and shared them with parents.

Foundation Phase sports day summer 2021 

Year 3/4 Sports Day 2021 





In July 2021, one of our year 6 pupils decided he wanted to plant the acorn tree  he had planted 7 years ago at home in the school grounds, as it was his last week in Penygloddfa before leaving for high school. What a lovely gesture!

February & March 2020

February and March 2020 were very sporty months in Year 5 and 6. We won the local hockey tournament, danced in the Urdd eisteddfod, celebrated Sports Relief by having a running competition and we went to watch the Wales women play against Estonia. There was also time for a science investigation and we had the school eisteddfod too.






Ionawr 2020

Bobol Bach! Roedd Mis Ionawr yn prysur!

January was a very busy month in Ysgol Penygloddfa! Here are some of our highlights…

The Knife Angel

Year 5 and 6 took a walk down to see the harrowing but impressive knife angel that had come to Newtown to warn us of the dangers of knives.

Urdd Netball County Round

Our girl’s netball team competed in the Urdd county round in Llanfair Careinion High School. The girls played very well and made it to the semi finals.


We were visited by Amy and the Mythstories team who taught some of the Year Sixes a local fairy tale which they performed in front of the school at the end of the day.

Urdd Gymnastics

Our gymnasts competed in the Urdd gymnastics competition held in the Maldwyn Dragons centre in Newtown. They all did very well; Lexie and Lexi came 3rd in the pairs, Cari, Abi and Freya came 2nd in the trios and our team came 1st. Our team will now go on to represent our area in the national finals in Aberystwyth in February. Da iawn pawb!

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen

Cawson ni diwrnod cymraeg ym Mhenegloddfa i ddathlu Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Gwnaethon ni lawer o weithgareddau fel coginio, adeiladu a gwehyddu. Roedd yn hwyl!

Urdd Football

Our girls took part in the county round of the Urdd football tournament. They played very well and remained undefeated but unfortunately they did not make it though to the nationals. Da iawn merched!!

And finally… 

Congratulations to Fyfe, one of our year 6 pupils, who won the Montgomeryshire under 12’s sports person of the year award for 2019 in theatre Hafren. There were also awards for some of our ex-pupils too! Llongyfarchiadau pawb!


Christmas Dinner Day

Today was Christmas Dinner Day at Ysgol Penygloddfa. We would all like to say a big thank you to Jacqui and the kitchen staff for providing so many delicious platefuls of food in such a short space of time. Roedd y bwyd yn flasus iawn!

The children were in great spirits and had a lovely festive sing-a-long, accompanied by our in-house brass band, who performed impressively at short notice. Cawson ni amser bendigedig!

Nadolig Llawen!