Children in Need- Sponsored Run

On Friday 15th November, the whole school took part in a sponsored run all in the name of raising money for Children in Need and Healthy Schools. The Sports Ambassadors set the school the task of running a combined 1000km. After a long morning’s running from Years 3 and 4 in school and an hour’s running around the running track in Maldwyn Sports centre for the Year 5s and 6s, it was left to the Foundation Phase to spend the afternoon running around the Top Playground.

The great news is that when we added all of our distances together we ran a combined 1028km!! The even better news was that we had a cake stall in school to raise some extra cash for charity and also to reward all of our hard work.

The EVEN better news is that we have so far raised lots of money for Children in Need. The overall total keeps rising as sponsorship money comes in to school. We will let you know an overall total when we get it. Thanks to all of the people who sponsored us and a massive thanks to Freedom Leisure for supporting us in this run. Diolch yn fawr pawb!