Welcome to Penygloddfa Primary School’s website. If you have an enquiry and would like to speak directly to a member of staff, please do not hesitate to contact one of the following. We look forward to hearing from you.
Contacts for Penygloddfa Primary School
Job title: Headteacher
Phone: 01686 626715
Email: office@penygloddfa.powys.sch.uk
Job title: Office Administrator
Phone: 01686 626715
Email: office@penygloddfa.powys.sch.uk
Name: Mrs Tammy Crees
Job title: ALN Coordinator and Well-being Lead
Phone: 01686 625486
Email: creest1@hwbcymru.net
The school uses ParentMail to communicate with our parents and families. This can be accessed through the link https://pmx.parentmail.co.uk. To register please follow the link in the email or text you received from the school or request a new link from us.