


At Penygloddfa School we understand that the world is constantly changing and part of this change is the rapidly developing digital revolution. We want the children at our school to be part of this revolution and we want them to benefit from the huge wealth of resources that the internet has to offer. We also realise that there are many dangers associated with the use of digital resources and we want all children to grow up with an understanding of how to stay safe online.

We put e-safety first when offering the children the opportunities to use our digital resources in school. Staff teach both discrete and incidental lessons on e-safety and all sessions using digital resources are supervised. Children are directed to safe resources and are encouraged to take responsibility for their own choices when using the internet. The school participates in Safer Internet Day annually and we hold regular assemblies on e-safety.

The school has an e-safety policy which is written by and monitored by the e-safety team, which is made up of pupils, teachers and governors associated with Penygloddfa.

We understand that education is a partnership between schools and families, below are some links that you may be interested in and give information that you can use to support your child. They also show some of the things that we will be doing in school in the future.

Vodafone digital parenting

Safer Internet Day webpage

e-safety lessons that are taught in school

360 safe an online monitoring tool for e-safety that we use in school

NSPCC- Keeping children safe online.

Have you ever wondered what social media sites your child uses and how they work? Click here to view Net Aware which answers such questions.

Questions about PEGI game age ratings and the dangers associated with your child playing on games that are not age appropriate? Click here to visit the Games Rating Authority website that also gives practical advice on how to set parental controls on gaming devices.