
In school we have a dedicated Wellbeing Lead Mrs Tammy Crees who is also our ALN Coordinator.

We have a variety of strategies to support pupil and staff wellbeing including:

  • Trauma Informed Schools
  • Play therapy
  • ELSA
  • Lego therapy
  • KiVa anti-bullying

Mrs Crees also plays a central role in family and community links. We hope that this page will keep you up to date about what is going on in school and provide you with some extra links to services that are available locally.

Please feel free to contact her at

Phone: 01686 626715

Email: creest1@hwbcymru.net

Important Links

Free School Meals Web Page and Application

Powys Family Information Service

KiVa Family Handbook

As you may be aware, our schools follows the KiVa principles in regards to anti-bullying and Personal and Social Education. The following link will give you more information but always feel free to come in to school if you have any questions.

KiVa information for parents

Team Around the Family

Team Around the Family is a focused family intervention that the family support co-ordinator can refer families for targeted intervention. Please feel free to have a look at the link and to ask for further information.

Team Around the Family

Pyramid Club

Pyramid Club is a school based after school club which focuses on building confidence and developing relationships. Some children are invited to attend Pyramid Club and find the 10 week programme to be a great benefit. For more information click on the link below.
