Penygloddfa Easter disco

On Thursday 6th April 2017 Penygloddfa school had a Easter disco, lots of people came. There were glitter tattoos, cakes, a Raffle, dancing competitions and lots more. The Friends of School raised lots of money, so we can buy lots of nice things for our classrooms. Thank you for all the people that came and supported us.

By Seren Owen


Swimming Gala

On the 5th of April there is going to be a swimming gala held in Maldwyn sports centre. Lots of our children are involved from all year groups in the juniors. Good luck to our swimmers!

Results to follow…

Our Trip to RAF Cosford

On Tuesday the 22nd of November, Year 3 and 4 went to RAF Cosford  and it was amazing, because there was lots of brilliant planes from WW2.It took us about one hour and a half to get there but it was worth it because it was interesting and fun! My favourite was the Harrier because it took off differently than the other planes. After we arrived we went to the gift shop and bought lots of toys to do with World War Two. After  we went to see the nuclear bombs, it was amazing! We had a great day. You should all visit Cosford if you can. It’s a great trip!


Year 3/4 library visit

On Monday 30th January, Dosbarth  Masarn visited  Newtown library as part of their topic on World War Two.

They went into the local studies room and did some activities about Newtown during the war .

They looked at local Newspaper during the war and saw photos of evacuees arriving in Newtown.

They also found out about David Owen Jones who was a man from Newtown who died in the war aged 19.They managed to get a sneaky visit to the park on the way home!

By Seren Owen

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