Our Trip to RAF Cosford

On Tuesday the 22nd of November, Year 3 and 4 went to RAF Cosford  and it was amazing, because there was lots of brilliant planes from WW2.It took us about one hour and a half to get there but it was worth it because it was interesting and fun! My favourite was the Harrier because it took off differently than the other planes. After we arrived we went to the gift shop and bought lots of toys to do with World War Two. After  we went to see the nuclear bombs, it was amazing! We had a great day. You should all visit Cosford if you can. It’s a great trip!


The Dragons Netball Tournament

On the 27th January there was a Dragons netball tournament there was also cheerleading going on while we were waiting to play. There were two teams from Penygloddfa and from lots of other schools from around Newtown. Both teams played very well and Penygloddfa A won all their games and Penygloddfa B won all their games except one and just after lunch there was a game to go to the Finals and that was Penygloddfa A vs Penygloddfa B and after all the excitement Penygloddfa A went through.

Good luck to all of Penygloddfa A in the finals of the Dragons Netball tournament.


Year 5/6 went on a very exciting trip to Young Voices. They had a great time, well, I was there and I think that everyone had a great time. We went on the bus all the way to Birmingham [a very long way] We finally arrived at the Genting arena in Birmingham there were a lot of [and when I put a lot I mean a lot] schools there. I think Mr Mcdonald was the best dancer; he was busting them moves! Everyone was having a brilliant time we all stayed up late it was such fun everything went to plan so that’s good. Penygloddfa would also just like to say thank you to the 2 bus drivers for driving us there and the parents.

Trip to RAF Cosford

On Tuesday 22nd of November ,Year 3 and 4 went to RAF Cosford and it was fantastic! We learnt a lot about World War Two planes ,it was really interesting.It took us about an hour and a half to get there but it was worth it because when we got there we had so much fun.My favourite plane was the Spitfire because it looked so cool and it was really interesting. Then we went to the gift shop, Igot a wrist band that said “The red arrows”.I wear it a lot now because i think it is so cool ! After that we went to see  the nuclear bombs. It was amazing! When we saw them bombs we also saw a model of two men making nuclear bombs. After that we had lunch, I had  a ham and cheese sandwich, a banana ,crisps and grapes.It was delicious!

Year 3/4 library visit

On Monday 30th January, Dosbarth  Masarn visited  Newtown library as part of their topic on World War Two.

They went into the local studies room and did some activities about Newtown during the war .

They looked at local Newspaper during the war and saw photos of evacuees arriving in Newtown.

They also found out about David Owen Jones who was a man from Newtown who died in the war aged 19.They managed to get a sneaky visit to the park on the way home!

By Seren Owen

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Urdd football tournament

On Thursday 26,January our girls football team took part in the county round of the Urdd football tournament in Latham park.

They did very well to reach the semi finals after a long night partying at young voices.

It was a really cold day but Mr Thomas bought  them all a Hot chocolate to warm them up!


By Lola Thomas

Preparing For Young Voices

On the 25th of January year 5/6 are going to the Genting arena in Birmingham to do a singing and dancing performance called Young Voices. We will be joined by lots of different schools around England and Wales. We will be doing dancing in between all the songs and the people teaching will be from Urban Strides. They are professional dancers. But in the meantime we’re still learning all the dance moves and song words . Trust me this night is going be ELECTRIC!

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FOPS Halloween Disco

By Francesca Humphreys

On Thursday the 20th of October there was the spooks and fairies school disco I think it was a big success there was amazing costumes and Max Paton and Riley won the best costume award which was a massive bar of chocolate they were dressed like a ghostbusters there was lots of other amazing costumes as well and there was lots of mouth watering cakes I think we must have raised a lot of money but we haven’t got the exact number yet Mr Webster and Mr Thomas were amazing DJ’s and they kept us entertained all night there was also a raffle and a tatoo stall I think everyone had a fantastic and fun filled night!


New Class Names

By Halle Trigg

Its like entering a new school! Teachers are excited that we are emphasising the Welsh language by using new class names. This is what they had to say: Mrs Morgan exclaimed that her class name is lovely and she got a bunch of happy ‘cangarws’!  Mrs Pemberton has a bunch of hooting owls and has gone owl mad in Dosbath Gwdihw!! Dosbath Mynyddog’s teacher, Mr Picken said his class are the mountains of the school!